C Family

These 3 boys and their parents were so much fun to photograph!

Lindsey’s maternity session

I've know Lindsey since we were teenagers, and I've never seen her look so happy or beautiful. I'm grateful to have been able to capture these special moments. Cheers to this gorgeous couple!


3 Months

This lovely lady was about 3 months for this shoot. Keep an eye out for her 7 month! 

6 Years

This little guy was celebrating his 6 years! He was such a sweetheart and so adorable. We had perfect summer weather and sun. 


I did Noel's photos when he was a few weeks old, so I'm so happy I got to see how much he's grown at his 6 month shoot! He is so serious, but loves his beautiful mama. The connection between these two is so strong, I loved being able to photograph it.