
Hi all! I’m Mia Schubert 

and I am a photographer out of Frankfort, Illinois! My love for photography is something that started when I was a a kid. Growing up, my mom always had a camera in her hand. Not because she was a technical photographer, but because she knew the value in capturing moments. We had a whole wall in our basement filled with photo albums. Picking any album up and paging through it, would take you back in time. I loved that feeling! So as I got older, I was adamant about collecting memories. I always had a camera on me. Even back in the days of having to drop film off at Walgreens to be developed. I also took a film photography class in college. There is nothing like processing your own film and creating your own prints in the darkroom. It was a class and a feeling I’ll never forget. It taught me to appreciate that photography is so more than just clicking the shutter release button. 

Owl&elephant came to be after my oldest son was born. Having your own children shows just how much time is fleeting. I loved the idea of taking photos for families...being a small blip in the schedule, only to create photos that will last a lifetime.